How to improve your life and help the environment

A simple activity that has far more benefits than you realise!

Philippa Bagley
4 min readAug 21, 2020
Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

The rise of mindfulness has created an awareness of the need to slow down, to simplify and to reflect how the way we live. The benefits of mindfulness are well documented — it can help improve mental and physical health amongst other things. Another practice massively in fashion is decluttering. The likes of Marie Kondo has popularised decluttering your home, and again the benefits of doing that are well documented.

Photo by Sharon Mccutcheo on Unsplash

Less documented are the benefits of digital decluttering.

At the start of the COVID lockdown in the UK, the one thing I decided to do, was to start a digital declutter. I currently have 8 email accounts, 3 cloud accounts, and probably 4 or 5 external hard drives dating back over the last 20 years.

It shames me to admit in one email account alone, I had 20,000 unopened emails. This was in an old email account that I told myself I don’t really use anymore. However, if I’m honest, I still had plenty of accounts linked to it, as well as friends who thought that was my main account. It’s also still in my…



Philippa Bagley

I’m a multi passionate! Life Transformation Strategist, Emotional Change Therapist, Trainer, and Professional Speaker :) history, psychology and life is my jam!